Forest Full Of Drums


This is the debut collaborative release by Mapstation (Stefan Schneider) and Paul Wirkus. The artists describe the process of recording Forest Full Of Drums thusly: "Everything was already there. The trees, the wind, the birds, the muddy soil, the undergrowth, playing children, people taking walks, the distant hum of a motorway and airplanes above. We arrived there as beginners. We had to wait for the right weather, to look for a good spot, to practice patience, to carry the drum kit through the bush and to set it up and start playing and recording. Daylight was all that was needed. It had begun as a fantasy, a vague and simple picture that you carry with you. Derived from the joy of being outside in nature: a drum kit standing in a forest. What would it sound like if you play and record it there? The forest as a resonating space. A room where you are inside and outside at once. Sometimes it looks like a friendly home, and at other times becomes an eerie sea. A space in which the ancient sounds of the world meet the sounds of civilization. If you stand in one spot, it is difficult to recognize where the sounds are coming from and whom or what they belong to. Playing and recording there was very far from being in a perfectly-controlled studio situation. First, we started hitting the drums we brought and then later on we started picking up sticks and branches, tossing around big logs and becoming curious about what they would sound like. The forest had slowly changed our initial ideas in an elegant way. It enabled us to make music with just what we found and what was there. In the very moment that we wanted to do it, we simply had to dive into it, look underneath. Then the world became a bigger place than it was before." Paul Wirkus (drums, cymbals, branches, leaves, air improvisations); Stefan Schneider (steps, recording, editing, mixing).