Goodbye Monkey Gravity


"For his debut album Goodbye Monkey Gravity, Christian Harder takes the lid off his cranium and invites you on a roller-coaster ride of his thoughts, right into his snappy synapses. Dancing is alright, as are drifting, grinding, sliding along elastic basslines, spinal cords which help the music to walk tall. A poptronica highway, weaving through static pathways. A techno song bathed in light, a chorus where sounds grow like exotic flowers. Confusion concedes to a solid beat, arranged to communicate emotion and condition. Sounds beautiful, but not over-nice, rough but not unfeeling. When complexity creates uncertainty, when the exit is blocked with mind matter, Harder comes up with verse and chorus, melody and structure, outlines dance steps on the floor, so you know how to move. Harder knows: to err is to be human, he knows the perils of perception, he sees through the limited indifference of attitude and emotion. Plugged in to computer, guitar and microphone, Harder becomes an errorist, exploring towers of lies, misconstructions and hidden floors. He projects a picture of well put together sound blocks, filling in the gaps of future amnesia. Harder uses escapism to get out of double standards, bringing on the dance from a moment of inner reflection. The poetical opening track, 'Musik Für Unsere Kinder' remains a dreamy exception. Kitsch-laden declarations of love such as 'Every Moment' turn out to be transient moments of happiness when a voice from the future echoes 'I remember my time with you'. 'This World is Full of Beauty' -- only with your eyes closed. Capitalism is a cancer, love's a virus, man is trapped in the gravity of what he has learned. Harder plays with dark matter made of the rings under one's eyes and does what he does best with it: he turns it into sound. Anything clear? Well: The truth is: this man got a mission and a vision! The truth is: there is a heart in your chest and a brain in your head. The truth is: you better use both!"