"Bearback is back , this time bigger and better than ever!Not only do they bring the sexy, sleazy funk from the stars on down -- this time they even hit it off with a little forward thinking soul on the inside cuts! Some could say that these guys could very well be the most ironic producers in the minimal scene. The issues at hand for this EP is #one# , the main difference between men and women -- and how Bearback deals with this hard fact! As they hope to inspire a new way of thinking about it -- a more free way of dealing with sexuality. The flip side deals with the very serious issues of mental disease, and how Bearback can help. You see Bearback has unfortunately dealt with mentally deranged people for long periods of time... and we have realized in the end there is only one cure for these people (it is sad we know) , but action needs to be taken... and Bearback are ready to do the work at hand. (It doesn't seem to bother them) The inside flowers as we like to call them, are more soulful reductions -- songs you can just sink your teeth into, let yourself slide into the wishy washy sexual fantasies ... that is in fact a strong reality for the boys of Bearback. These are the kind of songs that make you say --'These mofos really did come from outerspace, shit must be crazy up there. I gonna see if I can get on the next ship with those boyz.'"