"Solo-EP debut on Stattmusik by 34 year old Benjamin Fay from Bern. Besides studying the double bass at school in Bern and learning how to play various instruments on his own, Benjamin Fay always became more interested in elektronic music. After various Netlabel releases, this is his third Stattmusik release ('atr0b' on sämpler vol 2. and 'feuerholz' (stattmusik mp3). Bang goes, well known through various releases on Bruchstücke and Stattmusik, rounds things off nicely with his remix on side b. After three more funk/soul/house oriented releases, 'Pink Silk Panties' goes more into the direction of minimal techno (but without loosing the funk). The title track and remix rock bluntly with freaky sounds and vocals. 'Refusal To Truckle' takes over the more 'Housey' part and 'Brummagem Martinet' tells some dark mystic story?. pink silk panties oh it's, ääh, embarassing, pink panties, stolen from the wife and standing here at the beach. Nobodies here; at the beach. All alone [cut] Refusal to truckle early morning, alone, after the party, somewhere where everything is different. After the after hour; driving home; in the bus. The others go out, getting up, going to brunch. One thinks 'what do i want more' and then the bus stops and one gets out [cut] brummagem martinet loneliness cuts itself through all tracks. Especially in the 'brummagem martinet', which means 'cheap and showy disciplinarian'. This screams for loneliness. Because one is to stupid to just party and not worry. The do-gooder breathing down my neck. How i hate the do-gooder. He's worth nothing. Then at 2'23'' my saviour, the saw hook arrives. She leaves the do-gooder behind."