Prelude is an introspective record. It explores all of the valences of being and feeling. Some songs are chaotic and choppy. Others are soft and searching. There is rage and innocence, and moments of forced stillness, like capturing the aftermath of panic attacks, as in After The Storm. Barbie Bertisch also focuses on rhythm, bass guitar being her main instrument, and is no stranger to the power of the beat. The record also draws on influences as varied as Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Cocteau Twins, Berlin School, and pioneering producer François Kevorkian. Both sonically and conceptually, Prelude is a portrait of who Bertisch is as a person. "Is This What You Wanted?" is fiery, a pointed provocation to domineering figures from her past. It's full of strobing, strident synths, and heady lines of bass. It gives off the same vibe as a fire alarm, as a big room dance track that subverts your expectations of what it means to dance in a sea of bodies. "28," the record's opening track, is more peaceful. It's all languid keyboard arpeggios with the occasional flourish of a cascading synth effect. Coke bottle clear vinyl. "I love the sounds, very much. The layers and depths. The melting phases and soaring distances." --Anna Domino