"In Destroy, Nels' big band project, rock, jazz & prog-tinged structures meet head on & careen off the guardrails; dreams are achieved in an ambitious 75:00+ time frame. He'd been building these compositions over a lengthy period of time, waiting for the stars to align properly to allow the direction & documentation of the pieces with a larger ensemble than his usual duo/trio/4tet projects. Nels sought & secured the services of electric harp goddess Zeena Parkins (fresh from recent studio sessions with Bjork), immaculate string benders G.E. Stinson, Carla Bozulich (Geraldine Fibbers/Scarnella), conjoined identical twin/trapman extraordinaire Alex Cline (Interzone). With the scale, drama & intensity to rival a great feature film, Destroy All Nels Cline will likely leave fans of big guitar music, out-jazz, Interstellar Space Revisited & avant/prog-rock agape in it's roiling wake."