"Daughter is fronted by M.L. Platt and Nicole Lombardi. The unison past of these two women is a bit hazy, but word is they were raised by wolves in the streets of NYC. Regarding their future, on first exposure to Skin, it seems that the immolation of all assholes is the plan. The band kicks precision punk rock and the songs are armament and artillery for this time, in which the shredding of the space-time continuum is rapidly advancing. Essence of the New York City rock revival? Quaint next to Skin. Feminist empowerment? M.L. could take Eminem out in a street fight. Skin is Daughter's debut. From NYC's streets comes punk rock greatness once again. The same standards of excellence that Aum Fidelity adheres to for the Avant Jazz are here applied to the first Rock album from the label? indeed."