"This thoroughly genius debut album from the Russian Industrial/avant garde duo Die Bluteuchte draws dark images from the evil Russian (war) history. A fictitious soundtrack starting from the middle ages around 15th century - for example the invasion of the Mongolian troops (track 5), the battle fought on a frozen lake (track 6 'Battle In Lake Peipos'), the armed forces of 'Ivan The Terrible' named Opritchnina (track 8), the northern war against Finland by 'Peter The Great' (track 10), World War I and II, the abduction of political dissidents to Siberia, to the developments of modern Russia with 'Glasnost' in the late '80s RUS is a black metallic soundtrack built with thick layers of sound varying from acoustic pagan folk songs to subtle electronics and brutal noise workout. A serious masterpiece full of visionary musical superiority."