"Mellodrama, a documentary film by Dianna Dilworth, explores the rising and falling fortunes of the Chamberlin and its better-known successor, the Mellotron -- the first musical keyboards to play the pre-recorded sounds of other instruments. From a California workshop to Royal Albert Hall, Mellodrama tells the story of an ingenious contraption called the Mellotron. Essentially the first sampling instrument, its haunting sound changed the production and texture of popular music -- from the Beatles' 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and the Moody Blues' 'Nights in White Satin' to Radiohead's OK Computer and Kanye West's 'Gold Digger.' Featuring: Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys; Mike Pinder of the Moody Blues; Rod Argent of the Zombies; Ian McDonald of King Crimson; Patrick Moraz of Yes; Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick; Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath; Tony Banks of Genesis; Mikael Åkerfeldt/Per Wiberg of Opeth; Mitchell Froom of Latin Playboys; Claudio Simonetti of Goblin; Jesse Carmichael of Maroon 5; Brian Kehew of Moog Cookbook; Mattias Olsson of Änglagård; Pea Hicks of Optiganally Yours; Damon Fox/Steve Frothingham of Bigelf; Fabio Frizzi; Jon Brion; Michael Penn; Matthew Sweet; Woody Jackson; Zac Rae; Patrick Warren." NTSC, Region 0; English; 80 minutes.