Lee Hall played guitar and led the vocals in '90s Peel favorites, Beatglider, as well as fronting Ghost Music more recently. Micky G. has shared his love of diverse samples and electro-ditties in multiple projects such as Milky Genes and Mrs Mills & Boon. But Fort William isn't just about reinventing ideas glimpsed in other bands. The band write about what's close to them: mental health, alien abduction, being in love -- the good and the bad sides. In this debut album the duo takes things to a heightened level with a mish-mash of country and space pop ignited by lyrics that bounce around your mind even longer than the catchy hooks which underpin them. There is humour, there is pathos, there are many moments of emotional intensity, and an overriding sense that this band are having a great time creating and performing the tunes that form the record. And it's utterly infectious. The songs are all A-side material. When Fort William sing 'We're the best men for the job, we're the best men for the job...' it's impossible to disagree. 'ghosts of Velvets past with woozy guitar-laden lullabies of romantic disappointment...