"Starring: Matt Krefting, Meara O'Reilly, Jessi Swenson. With Scott Foust, Graham Lambkin. Music by Idea Fire Company, Tart, The Pickle Factory, XX Committee. Y Front. Here's To Love! is reminiscent of the past glory of silent film, when the beauty of the image predominated, yet it looks firmly to the future. It is the story of a quest by three young people to find their aesthetic idol and save him from his degraded state, told through slowly unfolding scenes with striking, lingering, and sometimes aesthetically-challenging videography. These images are closely matched with original music by Foust and his various sound projects from throughout his career. A film to be watched with thought and a patience not usually demanded by today's methods of hyperactive, cartoonish editing, Here's To Love! should be viewed as a series of extended moving paintings, accompanied by truly timeless music." NTSC format, region free.