"Nancy Garcia is among the most galvanizing and evocative provocateurs in the current underground strata of New York multi-media art. Coming from a fully realized performance background Garcia translates the experience to her compositions and delivers Be The Climb, her solo debut for Ecstatic Peace. The album is part of a new project called I need more, which is comprised of an online video, a live performance, and the album. While the project's components can function independently, together they illuminate one another and produce a single, overarching choreography. The online video can be found on YouTube. Utilizing a confidence and strength of personality rarely scene in the hidden gestures and pretences of the avant-garde, Garcia has effectively created an album diverse enough to conquer genre restrictions. Guitars, voice, electronics and percussion are unified by the force of her charisma and deep understanding of 'audience.' Having spent years touring and recording with Monotract, alongside Carlos Giffoni and Roger Rimada as well as working with the Laundry Room Squelchers and performing alongside Arthur Doyle back in the Cooler days of NYC, Be the Climb shows a culmination of process, noise, melodies, and songs."