Pressed on 180-gram vinyl; includes printed inner sleeve and download code. At Temple Gate immerses you in a kind of shamanism of which the echo has long since been lost. It is an interstitial album which marries a modal ancestrality with the power of electronic soundscapes, revealing a duality, an incantation at the threshold of death. The Sound is what immediately strikes the listener, even before the Logos, the word, the music itself; At Temple Gate is a kind of sonic ritual. It is not the dead, these deities, who are terrifying, but the living and their ever more ardent desires to communicate with those whose bodies have spread throughout the cosmos into a billion particles of stardust; where we come from and where we end up, ashes to dust. At Temple Gate is evocative of all of this: the bait of Time, Cruelty, the bite of Sound. Jessika Kenney: voice, electronics; Eyvind Kang: viola, electronics; Hyeonhee Park: percussion, electronics; with Timm Mason: modular synth. Numbered edition of 300 copies.