Repressed! Cadenza has quickly developed as one of the most advanced electronic labels of the past couple of years..."An effortless first collaboration between Luciano and Philippe Quenum, 'Orange Mistake' is of the deep, blood-red, over-ripe variety. Evoking appreciative nods and quiet smiles in back alleys where decisions concerning your physical integrity are taken in a dialect that seemed understandable before that last kindly offered cigarette. Crescending counterpoint rhythms and a deadly, unsterilized organ hook that sends infectious ripples through your spinal fluid. Go sweat it out before someone spots your jaw moving asynchronously. And don't forget to order two copies, one is bound to get stolen on some hazy morning. 'Funky Dandy', an offbeat downplayed stroll through the distorted mind of what sounds like a French football commentator having a pretty rock-bottom Monday morning dealing with his inner child. Then again, it could just be a very cool b-side. Minimal yet subtly complex with a growling funkiness all of its own. Filled with creeping, hand-crafted chords designed to boost mid-season morale better than an organic hay fever remedy."