"Fragrance: Electronic music in four parts on four CDs. Each of the four parts is a complete composition in itself. Fragrance, however, is also suitable for playing via all four CDs running concurrently through eight loudspeakers: whoever has access to four CD players and four stereo units can play the Fragrance CDs one through four almost parallel to each other. Exact synchronization is not necessary. Playing with non-synchronization opens up new possibilities. Four CD players with automatic replay functions can make Fragrance into a sound installation of indefinite length. The musical character of Fragrance is like the structure of aroma: you cannot locate the beginning or end point of an aroma in a room. It's more like this: the beginning and the end of 'things' that happen in fragrance are wiped out -- blurred. This is analogous to many natural phenomena: they are missing clear on/off structures. Outside of all frontiers of rhythm and harmony is pure sound."