"The pairing of the influential French electronic musician, Bernard Parmegiani, and Australian sound artist Philip Samartzis on the Immer/Sound - Transparency split is a match that makes perfect sense. Parmegiani's body of work is massive and has been a driving force behind the evolution of electro-acoustic music. His contribution to the split, 'Immer/Sound,' is a continuation of his exploration into composed acoustic sounds, which begins with a reverberated snare hit and evolves into a head spinning journey that one could only imagine listening to on a full sound system. On the split-side, Philip crafts a carefully plotted and composed piece, 'Transparency,' which sends the listener in and out of a hazy world of electronic hisses, hums, and intonations. This split celebrates Bernard's performance and involvement in Philip's produced Immersion festival, which is coming up on its third event in September. Although generations apart, both artists have laid common ground in their music, which is evident in this exciting new split LP between these two heavyweight electronic musicians." Co-release with Plates of Sound.