2018 repress. Tresor re-releases Scion's legendary Arrange And Process Basic Channel Tracks, originally released in 2002. Rearrangements and reworks of seminal back-catalog tracks from Basic Channel with the help of Ableton's "Live" audio software. The result is not a simple mix CD or compilation, but the connection of new software possibilities combined with Scion's experience as DJs. Scion (Pete Kuschnereit aka Substance and René Löwe aka Vainqueur) have arranged and reworked back catalog tracks from Basic Channel (Moritz Von Oswald and Mark Ernestus) with the help of Ableton's live audio software. The selection is focused on the more clubby tracks of the BC-projects Cyrus ("Enforcement," "Recall," "Inversion"), Phylyps ("Trak I," "Trak II"), and Quadrant ("Q 1.1," "Infinition"), and "Octagon/Octaedre," for example, including "The Climax - Basic Reshape," and also applying atmospheric tracks as found on the Basic Channel CD (1996). Most of the tracks were previously only available on import 12"s, and the result is simply groundbreaking and astounding.