Some Nicholson is an ensemble created by renowned Canadian artist David Nicholson. Their debut album is a collection of blues infused material presented in the form of a classic '70s LP. David Nicholson was born in Montreal in 1970. His career began at Artists Space in NYC in 2002 and he now lives and works in Berlin, where he is represented by Galerie Michael Haas. In 2018 Nicholson decided to state a musical position based on his lifelong love of the blues by producing a vinyl album, reminiscent of the LP records of the 1970s. Recording took place in his painting studio, summoning the minimalist spirit of field recordings, rendered with modern technology. This approach set the parameters for the project which later expanded to include a recording made on location at the Freiberg Cathedral, home of a baroque masterpiece, Gottfried Silbermann's organ. To help him realize his vision, Nicholson gathered an ensemble of 12 musicians and singers, including renowned jazz organist Brian Charette, trumpet player Christoph Titz, and guitar maestro/sound-über nerd Thomas Büchel. The results speak for themselves. Sit back and immerse yourself in a musical adventure and note that the album's creators advise that this LP record is best enjoyed with a bottle of 2018 Chinon. Gatefold.