The Sweethearts is a project by Tyler Thacker together with Sam Mehran (ex Test Icicles). Songs were written on a tiny Casio between Sam and Zak Mering. Tyler pretty much played all the instruments. As Tyler explains: "This album was recorded a decade ago underneath a bunkbed in a crowded apartment we shared in Brooklyn. At the time, The Sweethearts was just another anonymous moniker among many, intended as a pop-minded musical outlet between primary contributors myself, Zak Mering and Sam Mehran, featuring whatever friends happened to be passing though that day including but not limited to Morgan Whirledge, James Ferraro, Zak Davis, Aaron Frankle, Ian Drennan, Ariel Pink, Ryan Howe. Like so many of the collaborations from those years, these songs and many more floated to the wayside as we each barreled through various other configurative projects, eventually retired to failing hard drives. But the specter of this specific catalogue always haunted me despite shifting primary focus to painting shortly thereafter. Two years ago in July, the world lost one of its most fearless creators, Sam Mehran, and I lost one of my best friends who oozed melody as effortless as breath. These songs are letter bombs to adolescence in the information age: reterritorializing the tropes of heteronormative psycho-sexuality proliferated throughout western pop music on top of self-deprecation, heartbreak, disappointment, indulgence, and loss of innocence. At one point, I caught myself singing harmony to Zak and Sam on a song called 'Tonight's the Night' and it was in that meeting place between the metaphysical and the spirit world, that I finally got to say goodbye to Sam."