Post-punk band UK Decay's first full-length studio album in 30-years. New Hope for the Dead is a heavy, sonic assault built upon the politics of dissent. Produced by rock legend Chris "The Dark Lord" Tsangerides, the new songs cover a wealth of subjects, from the fracturing nature of society and the twin evils of extremism and bigotry, to the lack of engagement by today's generation and the attraction of things that ultimately harm us. "We're not here for a nostalgic reunion, we're here because we've got something to say," says singer Abbo. "There's been three or four generations of music since we split up but no one's really taken up the mantle of kicking against a world of apathy, discrimination, and totalitarianism." Long-hailed as one of the godfathers of post-punk, UK Decay reformed after a hiatus of three decades. Since then, they have played to audiences across Europe and have been well-received by a new generation of fans, alongside those who saw them the first time around. "We're finding our voice resonates with old and new alike," says guitarist Spon. "It's a new time but the same problems exist. We've always been a political band, but one that's able to reference human passions, too. The new album encapsulates all of that and presents it with a sound that's the best we've ever achieved."