"The Boat‐Maker's Daughter is a record about transition and transformation. Michael Hilde, the man and mind behind Mountainhood, recorded these songs in New York City at a time when Christian radio was becoming an influence in his life. Many of the broadcasts that influenced these songs revolved around Revelations, while many of Hilde's friends began discussing an impending environmental apocalypse. There is a direct philosophical correlation between these ill‐boding prophecies and this surprisingly uplifting album. The Boat‐Maker's Daughter is an expression of total breakage from all prior forms of thought and action‐‐your parents, your government, your faith ‐‐ and blazing a new path through doomsday to the other side. The songs range from the quiet, fragile, and distant 'Geodesic Dome, Oregon' to the anthemic folk sing‐along of 'Jaine,' one of the most accessible songs in the Mountainhood catalog. With The Boat‐Maker's Daughter, Mountainhood has transformed and shed much of the tape hiss that defined his earlier recordings, and let these very special songs of rapture shine through. This is not only a singular release for Hilde, but for the entire psych‐folk genre." With bonus Owlzone movie poster.