"The cooperative of composer/improvisers John Wiese (Sissy Spacek) and C. Spencer Yeh (Burning Star Core) presents new a collection of works titled Cincinnati. So far Wiese & Yeh's previous full-length documents have been culled from live performance situations and one could site Cincinnati as the duo's first studio album. Recorded face-to-face in late 2007 at Ashworth Tap Room in Cincinnati OH, Cincinnati reveals further unexpected developments and strategies of this ongoing partnership. Familiar machineries were primed, but an increasingly alien attitude was fed through and processed into churning and bewildering shapes. The results of these sessions were catalogued and surgically isolated into specimens by Yeh; a little editing employed to carve the forms somewhat presentable, but no 'studio trickery' to mask the organic nature. Mastered by Saff Mastering to sharpen the bulbs and polish the blades, the whole of the fourteen tracks form a monumentally intimate body touched by indeterminate intuition, instant composition and interior logic. Wiese and Yeh first joined together on a stage in Columbus OH, and since then have participated in the No-FI/CMN 'Free Noise' 2007 tour in the UK, as well as fireworks-laden travels through coastal, midwest and southern USA. With many finished missives yet to be issued, and many ideas discussed but not yet realized, the combined restlessness and curiosity of the team insures that Cincinnati gestures not only towards the past and present, but the future as well."
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"'Live in-person' collaborations between Hototogisu and the BxC. Hototogisu, as you know, are the time-defying duo of Matthew Bower (Skullflower, Ramleh, Sunroof!, Total, etc.) and Marcia Bassett (Double Leopards, GHQ, Zaimph, etc.). For these sessions, Burning Star Core was C. Spencer Yeh, Robert Beatty, and Trevor Tremaine (the latter two being of Hair Police, Eyes and Arms of Smoke, Sick Hour, etc.). Note that the music on this disc is different material from the Heavy Blossom companion volume HG/BxC II released earlier this year. Five tracks, totalling approximately fifty minutes. Packed into the small Horrible Room (RIP) inside the Cedar House (RIP) down in Lexington KY (still alive), individuals huddled in every corner, painting the room in colored cables, glossy wood and metal boxes. Deafness and disorientation was administered through the afternoon on into the night. Summoning over two hours of recorded tape, it was decided to cut the baby in half for adoption between two imprints. Heavy Blossom ferried away the long thick sides of torso, and Dronedisco seized the hooves, antlers, and jaw. The disc starts off with an appropriate invocation; from there punches blindly through one stone cloud after another, coughs and gasps from exhaustion, stumbles and lies motionless. The ritual concludes with a moment of naked acoustic/instinctual spasm, then a cut-off. Originally released in a very small quantity on CD-R as merchandise during various U.S. and UK spring tours, the Dronedisco half of these sessions has been edited and resequenced for this release in the Autumn." Package comes with button.