Karamika is an expansive collaboration between George Thompson (Black Merlin) and Gordon Pohl (Musiccargo), a soundscape that spans 12 tracks and a 375-mile commute between London and Düsseldorf. This double LP is the byproduct of a creative simpatico and the pair's quest to articulate a vision devoid of any defined lyrical or melodic language. The instrumentation is a balanced palette of hard and soft, light and dark, pristine and corroded, droning and orchestral; the duo crafts narratives out of unexpected elements so weathered and rich that each carries a lifetime of character within -- tin cans rusting in the desert dust, dewdrops pattering on overgrown foliage, swarms of locusts writhing in song. Abstractions culminate in a parallax view of the world through Karamika's eye. This is savage music, uncontrolled, unrelenting, impenetrable. Pressed on white vinyl.