"The story of Bosco & Jorge begins a decade ago, in Oklahoma, when Bosco (Bill Lowman, guitar piano and upright bass) and Jorge (Brad Gallagher, guitar and banjo), each only twelve years of age, met for the first time at a concert by Leo Kottke, a fingerpicking guitarist and protege of legendary American folk figure John Fahey. Certainly, the music on Bosco & Jorge will bring to mind the original sources of inspiration to these boys, namely Doc Watson and Mississippi John Hurt. But, one also will note (with special thanks given to the album's fantastic guests) a slice of modern 'pop' piano here (courtesy of Frank Navin from the Aluminum Group), a twist of elegant 'classical' cello lines there, truly uplifting flute passages on one piece (Nicole Mitchell, David Boykin Outet), occasional free-form vocals (Maria Carballo, and Glenda Baker, David Boykin Outet) and the nimble, jazz-informed brushwork/time-keeping drumkit accompaniment (John Herndon, Tortoise/Isotope 217) which closes the album."