Initially a duo formed in Berlin, FITH have since multiplied and expanded to become a revolving collective spread across a Paris/Manchester/Berlin axis. The project, currently comprised of members Dice Miller, Enir Da, Rachel Margetts, ChrIs Lmx, and Arnaud Mathé gesture towards notions of the literary salon, expanded cinema happenings, and the ancient traditions of Greek oratory and religious sermons. With Swamp, FITH become a refined force on a record where all their compelling pluralities and attributes are honed and augmented; everything dilated to delirium.
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Hot on the tattered heels of Terminal Tokyo (OUT 001EP, 2018) arrives Flight & Pursuit, another overlooked revelation of provincial post-punk, this time by Indifferent Dance Centre. A four-piece from Chichester, a quiet Cathedral city in West Sussex, the group consisted of Lizzy Dowling (vocals / lyrics), Christopher Binns (guitar), Ashley Barrett (bass), and Douglas Barrett (drums/guitar and bass when required).
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Reissue. Garage Class were a group of reluctant outliers who produced one of the finest contributions to UK DIY music. Released in 1984, the Terminal Tokyo single is an unlikely triumph of messthetic punk. The titular A side reveals the dry and detached drawl of Shutt accompanied by second-hand guitars, on-the-fly handclaps, and a chorus like a terrace chant. The original B side is here substituted for "I Got Standards", a track that, until now, has somehow remained unreleased. Terminal Tokyo is not only restored for the very first time but given a worthy expansion courtesy of JD Twitch (Optimo).