"Sebi Tramontana and Jeb Bishop originally worked together when Sebi visited Chicago in 1999 to perform at the Empty Bottle Festival of Jazz and Improvised Music. On that occasion Sebi and fellow Italian trombonist Giancarlo Schiaffini sat in with Jeb's trio. This led to a live Sebi/Jeb duo concert on WNUR, which in turn led to the idea of hitting the studio to record these duets. The sonic malleability of the trombone (plus voice, plus mutes) is a constant stimulus to the improvising trombonist, and putting two of them together often seems to create a mutual reinforcement of the desire to examine the slide horn's capabilities for everything from ephemeral melody to mud to bombast to underwater textures. In any case, this is the spirit in which the duos on Chicago Defenders were undertaken."