JMAN 070.5EP
Jazzman Records brings you a global industry first, the Serato Control Tone on the coolest and most popular musical format yet invented, 7" 45rpm vinyl. Not only do you now have access to the cutest control vinyl in the world, but when you flip that bad boy over, you have one of the rarest funk 45s on the planet, Mr. Clean's version of the Marvin Gaye ultra-classic, "What's Going On." Serato has revolutionized the way DJs play their records. Instead of playing a normal record in the normal way, DJs play a special vinyl record that has the "Serato control tone" pressed in the grooves instead of the music. Using normal turntables wired up to a laptop, the DJ can use Serato software to play these control tone records, and what you hear is the music the DJ has chosen, which is stored on the laptop. The records play using a stylus like any normal record, and the advantage is that just like with normal records, you can handle them to mix and scratch. The software is recognized as a leader in the field of digital DJing and has been adopted by many of the top DJs in the world.