
SR 407CD SR 407CD

Wound_Burner is an audio project based on field recordings which took place in various locations in New York, USA, Gotland, Sweden, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, and the Greek countryside. The project consists of three main parts, and moves along high frequency slow-motion sentimental delirios to heavy bass ambient soundscapes, periodically colored by the voice of the soprano Irini Kyriakidou. Some of the sounds were constructed by using exclusively digital and electronic media. Wound_Burner demonstrates a highly emotive power and aims to trigger listeners' visceral, cerebral, and iconoclastic perception. Assembled, composed, and produced by Novi_Sad. Athens-based artist Thanasis Kaproulias, working under the moniker Novi_Sad is as much engaged by nature and the rudimentary sounds that are borne of remote environments as he is by the act of representing them. With an accomplished technical ability, as well as a sensitivity for the nuances of his considered locations, Novi_Sad carefully recontextualizes the scenery. The artist engages with the landscape by producing field recordings whose intensity is revived in spaces as sound pieces performed in-situ. Novi_Sad treats every sound with integrity with a resulting resonance that invites and immerses the listener. Using an innovative approach inspired by the idea of "cinema pour l'oreille" ("cinema for the ear"), Novi_Sad aspires to "donner à voir" ("lead to seeing"), by means of sound. Many of the artists' projects are focused on architectural acoustics. His process brings unique field recordings into contact with various methods of audio analysis, as well as utilizing quantitative and numerical data from different sources such as NASA. Novi_Sad's projects have been presented internationally including at the Venice Biennale Film Festival, Venice; MUTEK Festival, Montreal and Mexico City; Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam; Le Fresnoy - Studio National D'Arts Contemporains, Lille; Roy O. Disney Concert Hall, CalArts, Los Angeles; Itaú Cultural, São Paulo; Megaron/The Athens Concert Hall, Athens; VPRO National Radio, Amsterdam; Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich; National Academy of Music, Aarhus; Einstein Kulturzentrum, Munich; and MAM/Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro. In his works with audiovisual projects and film, Kaproulias has collaborated with notable artists and filmmakers including Lars von Trier, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Isaac Niemand, Yorgos Zois, and Karl Lemieux.