Love, Peace & Poetry - Chilean Psychedelic Music


The Love, Peace & Poetry series from QDK continues in Chile, with 17 tracks culled from some of the lost treasures of the psychedelic music scene of the 7-year period between 1967-1973. In 1973, the Chilean dictatorship banned most rock bands and most musicians had to stop or leave the country, or take it underground. The ban extended to the retroactive destruction of many master tapes for many of the albums included here, which only just stopped as recently as the 1980s. Kissing Spell represents with "Yellow Moon" taken from their 1970 album Los Pajaros, as well as Embrujo who released their self-titled LP in 1971. Los Jaivas' debut LP was pressed privately in 1971 in a small edition of 500 copies, making this track extra-rare. Los Vidrios Quebrados were one of the real South American psychedelic classics -- their Byrds-like jangle-pop coming through clearly on their track. Aguaturbia were pioneers of psychedelic rock in Latin America, who also generated considerable controversy over their album covers. Los Blops released three now very rare and very sought-after LPs between 1970 and 1973, and their sound was focused on their guitarist's electric 12-string guitar (an unusual instrument in Chile at the time). Sacros were among the first electric folk-rock bands to perform during Catholic mass -- their recording was almost destroyed by the military and only a handful of copies survived. Los Macs' 1967 masterwork, Kaleidoscope Men, is rightfully considered by many collectors to be one of the finest examples of '60s psychedelia from South America and original copies are impossibly rare. Los Beat 4 was one of the most successful groups of the national scene in the mid-'60s and both of their rare LPs are represented here. Tumulto was respected for being non-commercial, and their track is taken from their rare debut album. Escombros released their sole LP in 1970 and are a gem in the psychedelic progressive folk style. Congregación released their sole LP on the IRT label in 1972, and El Congresso's sound is the result of a unique blend of contemporary elements and Andean roots. Chilean psychedelic music was produced during a time of great cultural change and social turmoil and is exceedingly rare and very special.