BSX 8836CD
"Set in the final days of the Second World War, A Time To Die tells the story of Michael Rogan, a young American revolutionary (Albert) who loses his wife and comrades in a Nazi raid on her village. After being left for dead by the cruel Colonel (Harrison) responsible for the massacre, Rogan goes on a quest for vengeance after the War is over, killing off his former German captors, one at a time. A Time To Die features music composed by the great Ennio Morricone, here continuing a creative relationship with director Matt Cimber that included two other films, Butterfly and Hundra. BSX Records presents the original motion picture soundtrack to A Time To Die, featuring music composed and conducted by Ennio Morricone. While the film also contained additional music composed by Robert O. Ragland, this release only contains Morricone's contributions to the film."