The new Kater Blau Label, dedicated to resident artists of the beloved Berlin club of the same name. Featured by extraordinary artists like Mira, Christopher Schwarzwalder, Geju, Britta Unders, Wide Awake, Sven Dohse, Canson, Coss & Iorie, and many more in the next future. Kiosk is the magic and hidden afterhours floor of Kater Blau and it's well-known for long, never-ending ecstatic nights where people leave on Tuesday mornings with a enraptured smile in their faces. Kiosk - I.D. features Mira & Chris Schwarzwälder, Geju, Tony Hymas, Britta Unders, Mendrix, Wide Awake, Sven Dohse, Canson, and Coss & Iorie.