"Black Pig Liberation Front is a very unique and original concept created by Rhode Island-based frontman Denis Mahoney aka Tariq Zayid. On this first major album from the killer ritualistic terror and love ensemble, complete with infectious magical incantations, Mahoney and Fringecore have managed to gather together an amazing group of collaborators and contributors, each of whom add a unique dimension to Black Pig's explosive grunt n' groan n' groove collage tonal attacks, animated by Mahoney's intensely penetrating voice and words and the Torres brothers' electronica and scratch turntable work. The entire album is a stream of intensity and psychic energy, a celebration of the greatest festival, that of tracing the 'self'. No more so than on the totally exhilarating 'Frequencies are the Fetish', a magnificent collaboration between Black Pig and Sonic Youth luminary Thurston Moore, whose soundtracks, especially created for this album crash and thump, sometimes in bizarre violence and others in sensual beauty. The re-mixes of the Thurston pieces by New York's DJ Shecky; Belgium's avant-garde maestro DJ Low and London's Nihilist and Disatronaut, plus ex-Test Department's David Coulter make this not only unique, but blisteringly memorable. In its own way, Automutilator is equally outstanding with Black Pig teamed up with Banyan, whose cast not only boast Mike Watt and fellow Porno for Pyros member and ex-Jane's Addiction drummer Stephen Perkins, but the inspired genius of guitarist Nels Cline. When you add to that, the other festering Black pig tracks and Mahoney's collaboration with Sonic Youth's Lee Ranaldo on When Two Become One and Shamen Trip, you have a veritable feast. They say that a true festival leaves no trace, no possibility of remembrance, well this CD certainly does."